JKDefragGUI was developed as an aid for JKDefrag (the well known freeware disk defrag tool).
This GUI (Graphical User Interface) for JKDefrag program gives you the ability to seamlessly configure all the options included on the original program through a graphical interface, without the hassle of having to do so via the command line or a MSDOS window.
The program easily lets you set up the screensaver mode and defrag specific system files. As its name says, its interface is very well organized and easy to use, showing an intuitive and innovative design. One of its most remarkable features is that it allows you to establish scheduled scanning and defragmentation. This way you can set it up to perform these heavy tasks while your computer is not being used by you.
However, this program has one important drawback. It is not a standalone program. It not only needs JKDefrag, but also other two programs are needed: PageDefrag from Sysinternals and NTREGOPT from Lars Hederer. Anyways, the installation program offers you the possibility to automatically download and install both programs.
This program is distributed as a Freeware program. You can also download a complete help and documentation pdf file that will help you while configuring your system.
JKDefragGUI by Emiel Wieldraaijer is available in several languages (which are included in a single multilingual download file). The program was designed for Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista.
Comments (4)
One by Emiel Wieldraaijer (v1.05) at http://www.emro.nl/freeware/.
Another by Markus Hörl (v1.16) at http://jkdefrag.8qm.de/english.php.
1.03 is under development.